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Early Years

Butterfly Admissions 

Admission to our Butterflies are for children who turn 3 during the academic year. These pupils will receive 15 hours funded education (8.45am to 11.45am Monday to Friday. We have intakes throughout the year and your child can join the Butterflies during the term that they turn 3.

To apply for a place in our Butterflies, please request an application form from the School Office. Please complete the form and return it to School, we will then contact you shortly before your child's 3rd birthday with your offer.  These children will complete up to 3 terms in Butterflies before joining our Nursery class the next September.   

The Butterfly children are taught alongside our Nursery class.

Nursery Admissions (for children who turn 3 before 31st August)

We will continue to offer 32.5-hours per week of Nursery education in for all children who turn three by 31 August.  Applications for places in Nursery can be made at any time by contacting the School Office for the application pack. The offers for our Nursery class will be sent out at Easter prior to your child's start date.

Working parents are entitled to 30 hours of funded education and the school will ask you to complete the registration process for this and to pass on the 12-digit code that you will be provided with. This will allow the school to claim funding for the full 30 hours. 

Please note that it is not necessary to qualify for the 30-hour funding in order to attend 30 hours in our Nursery, but the school needs to claim the funding for all children who do qualify. 

Reception Admissions

Choosing a school for your child is a big decision, and we are here to help you find out if Waverley Primary is the right school for you.  When your child joins Waverley Primary, your family also joins our community for many years to come.  We have included lots of information on our website to show you all that we offer, and we hope that you will decide that you want to join our school.  If you have any questions, please contact us by phone or by email.  

All parents of children due to enter reception will be given a generic letter and information leaflet by their childcare provider in the Autumn term. This leaflet will explain how to submit your online application at and the timescales for the application process. Admissions into Reception are handled by Newcastle Local Authority, and they would prefer you to submit your application online, although you may submit in paper form.